
Case presentations

The patient’s identity details must remain confidential: any identifiers such as name, address, social security number or date of birth must not be mentioned or be visible on any slides or videos.

It is recommended that the presentation include photos and/or videos (eg fundus photos, visual fields, imaging) and displayed using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Please focus on a challenging case with a particular diagnostic or treatment dilemma that will generate discussion and shared learning.

Find a quiet place with good internet speed. Please test your internet speed and Zoom capabilities before the presentation so you can be ready on time. Arrive a few minutes early to test your audio, open your slides and get ready for your presentation.

Recommended 15 min presentation outline

1 min – Introduction (moderator)

7 min – Presentation (speaker sharing screen showing PowerPoint of case)

6 min – Discussion, questions and answers 

1 min – Ending of case (moderator).